Grain-Free Bread

by Susan Smith in ,

Just over a year ago I decided to ditch all grains including bread, pizza, pasta, cakes, rice and corn together with potatoes, sugar, trans (hydrogenated) fats, high Omega 6 seed and vegetable oils and anything else that was highly processed, aka made in a factory. Cheerio to the last one standing, which for me was Pizza Express!

It wasn’t such a hardship. I’d been ill for several months and prescribed medication had done diddley-squit to improve my symptoms. My decision to go cold turkey with the steroids and address the problem naturally by re-focusing all my attention on my diet I now know probably saved my life - or at the very least, added more life to my years.

Once I got better, I wanted the comfort of carbs back in my life and so began my search for the perfect no-grain bread. This is where my search ended, on the Living Healthy With Chocolate website (although there's no chocolate in this recipe!)

Still warm from the oven and simply buttered I’d defy you to tell the difference. Thinly sliced and made into a chicken salad sandwich, it is to die for. Or try it toasted and topped with perfectly scrambled eggs or sautéed mushrooms in a creamy tarragon sauce. This is food fit for the gods! Plus, it sustains you like no wheat-based bread ever can!


Grain-Free Sandwich Bread (V)

Ingredients - dry

200g (2 cups) organic ground almonds

85g (½ cup) organic arrowroot powder

50g ( cup + 1 tbsp) organic ground flaxseed

½ teaspoon sea salt

1 rounded tsp baking powder

1 tsp whole flaxseeds (to sprinkle on top)


Ingredients - wet

90g (6 tbsp  butter (or coconut oil)

4 large organic eggs, well-beaten until frothy

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

140g (½ cup) Greek plain yogurt (or coconut cream)



In a small saucepan, melt the butter and let cool for 5 minutes.

Switch the oven on to 180C.

Grease an 8½” x 4½” medium loaf pan and line along the bottom and up the short sides with a long strip of non-stick parchment paper.

In a large bowl, mix the almond flour, flaxseed meal, salt, baking powder and arrowroot powder.

Whisk melted butter together with the eggs, apple cider vinegar and yogurt.

Using a rubber spatula, gently mix wet and dry ingredients to form a batter being careful not to over mix or the batter will get oily and dense.

Pour batter into prepared loaf tin. 

Sprinkle top with whole flaxseeds.

Bake at 180C for 40 minutes - or until a metal skewer inserted into the centre of the loaf comes out clean.

Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then loosen around the edges with a spatula and turn out.

Let it cool completely on a wire rack and then cut into thin slices.



To preserve freshness, wrap the loaf in a paper towel, place inside an airtight container and keep refrigerated.


Carbohydrate 7g Protein 5g - per slice